Friday, June 11, 2010


Got Chem results back today.. not sure if I'm getting a 6 or 7... hopefully a 7 ><
yeah.. nothing much to talk about today cos yeah... Oh well.. time for more Science Quiz Questions!! :D

11. AgResearch has recently gained approval to make genetically modified cows in New Zealand that can synthesize human proteins. These genetically modified cows can be made by:
a. Irradiating the cows to produce mutations that make their genes more like human genes
b. Inserting the human proteins into cows so that they can be multiplied in cow's milk
c. Fusing human embryonic cells with cow embryonic bells to make calves that are part human part cow
d. Inserting human genes into the cow's genome so that the cows make the human protein

12. Which of the following describe the tasks successfully performed by a computer?
a. Predicting when the next earthquake will occur in Napier
b. Playing the game chess at a level that it is possible for it to beat a world champion
c. Calculating income taxes
d. The manipulation of data to produce information

13. How many hearts does a quid have?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

14. There is much advertising about the benefits of taking CoQ (coenzyme Q) supplements. CoQ is used:
a. To help make skin more youthful
b. To boost the immune system
c. As an antioxidant
d. By the mitochondria in energy production

15. Which of the following is the monomeric unit (building block) of proteins
a. Fatty acids
b. Nucleic acids
c. Gluconic acids
d. Amino acids

16. Water's maximum density is achieved at which temperature?
a. 0 degrees Celsius
b. 4 degrees Celsius
c. 20 degrees Celsius
d. 99.9 degrees Celsius

17. In an episode of "Batman and Robin", Batman saved himself when thrown into a tank of acid by neutralizing it with a sodium hydroxide pellet in his belt. In the tank contained 10mol/L HCl and the volume of the tank was 20 cubic meters (20000L), approximately what mass of NaOH would Batman have need to neutralize the acid?
a. 8g
b. 8kg
c. 800kg
d. 8000kg

18. Sediments find their way to the sea in a variety of ways. What transport mechanism brings the most sediment to the sea from the land?
a. Glaciers and icebergs
b. Wind
c. Rivers and streams
d. Volcanoes

19. What does DVD stand for?
a. Digital Video Disc
b. Digital Versatile Disc
c. Desirable Video Demo
d. Dangerous Virus Decoder

20. A satellite in Earth orbit is powered by a solar panel. How much bigger would the solar panel have to be to provide the same power if the satellite were in orbit about Mars, 50% further away from the Sun?
a. 1.5
b. 1.75
c. 2.00
d. 2.25

21. The drug Xenical is used for the treatment of:
a. Cancer
b. High cholesterol
c. Obesity
d. Infection

22. Corals are most closely related to which group?
a. Freshwater hydras
b. Sea anemones
c. Sponges
d. Barnacles

23. Which of the following is the best estimate for the number of base pairs in a human genome?
a. 6.023*10^23
b. 9.81*10^3
c. 8.31*10^9
d. 3.05*10^9

24. Which of the following correctly balances the following chemical equation?
a. a=1, b=4, c=7, d=8
b. a=1, b=11, c=7, d=8
c. a=2, b=12, c=14, d=16
d. a=1, b=22, c=1, d=32

25. Which of these statements is TRUE?
a. A crayfish is a crustacean
b. A barnacle is a mollusc
c. A starfish is a mollusc
d. A mussel is a sponge

Meh.. I'll do some later.. anyways, Glee is almost on!! :D

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